Canada Asia Pacific Business Association (CAPBA) has donated $36,988 towards Richmond Hospital Foundation’s COVID-19 Relief Fund. CAPBA Association is dedicated to supporting local health care in Richmond during the COVID-19 pandemic. CAPBA, along with their Co-Chairs, Philanthropist – Mrs. Sandra Lau, Mr. Thomas Wu of Royal Pacific Riverside Realty, Mr. Lawrence Yeung of Travertine Wines, and Ms. Elsa Wong of Xin Tian Di Immigration Services Ltd – have been working to inspire British Columbians as well as those around the world to assist those in greatest need.
“We had foreseen the crisis at hand back in February of 2020 and begun taking action in organizing charity events to help those in need. Our objective is to support the front line health care workers for the fight of COVID and to perform research where they can continue their uphill battle against this pandemic,” says Elsa Wong, CAPBA COVID-19 Relief Campaign Chair and President, Canada Asia Pacific Business Association (CAPBA). “Our relief campaign ‘CAPBA COVID-19 Relief Campaign’ has fundraised a total of $163,888 through a series of charity events and $36,988 of the proceeds received through one of our main charity events hosted on Facebook ‘COVID-19 Relief Charity Concert’ has been donated to Richmond Hospital Foundation.”
Recognizing Canada is a multicultural country that supports equality, Canada Asia Pacific Business Association was formed based on the same virtues. The association hopes that all communities are inspired to lend a helping hand in times of need, knowing that every dollar donated makes a difference.
“We are grateful for business leaders stepping forward and choosing to impact local health care,” says Natalie Meixner, President and CEO, Richmond Hospital Foundation. “We appreciate the generous support from Canada Asia Pacific Business Association for our physicians and the health care teams as they continue to navigate through these challenging times.”
From left to right: Honourable President of CAPBA – Sandra Lau, Immediate Past President of CAPBA – Thomas Wu, President of CAPBA – Elsa Wong, Vice President of CAPBA – Jerry Song
From left to right: Honourable President of CAPBA – Sandra Lau, President of CAPBA – Elsa Wong
Social distancing protocols were followed during the cheque presentation.
Richmond Hospital Foundation
Over the past 34 years, Richmond Hospital Foundation has raised over $110 million to help fund vital medical equipment, improvements in patient care services and upgraded facilities. Our goal is to inspire joyful giving within our community to build a better and healthier future for Richmond.
Candace Hernandez
Vice President