Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’d like to help better local health care, what can I do?

There are many things you can do to help build a better and healthier future for Richmond. You can: Donate online, donate over the phone by calling 604 244 5252, or by mail. Mail donation forms and/or cheques to: 7000 Westminster Hwy, Richmond BC, V6X 1A2.

Read about ways to give to learn how you can give a gift that fits your lifestyle and financial plans.

Quick Links:

Q: I’d like to make a donation by cheque. Who do I make the cheque payable to?

Thank you for your heartfelt donation. Please make your cheque payable to: Richmond Hospital Foundation.
Learn more about ways to give 

Q: Will I get a tax receipt for my donation?
Yes, Richmond Hospital Foundation is a registered charity and is authorized by the Canada Revenue Agency to issue official receipt for income tax purposes. When you make a gift via our online donation form, the receipt will be issued immediately via an emailed link. If you send your gift via mail or drop off at our office, receipts will be issued for eligible gifts of cash and securities over $25. Gifts in kind may also be eligible for receipt but require additional information.
Q: How are my donations used?

Your donations fund vital equipment, renovate out of date hospital units and support programs and services. The Foundation works closely with hospital leadership and staff to ensure all funds raised are directed to serve the areas of greatest need.
Consistent with our Foundation Board policy effective July 1, 2012, a 5% contribution from all designated donations will support the Gift of Health Fund and the work of Richmond Hospital Foundation to provide local medical teams with essential services, research and advanced technology to care for local patients.
Read more about Your Gifts at Work 

Q: Why don’t our tax dollars pay for medical equipment?

Tax dollars only pay for the basics of health care. As medical research progresses and our population continues to grow at a rapid pace, the cost of specialized health services increases beyond the basics.
That’s why your donations are so important. They fill the gap between government funding and the greater needs of the hospital. They buy vital equipment, renovate out-of-date hospital units, and support programs and services. Simply, your donations give our doctors and nurses the tools they need to provide the best possible care to every patient at Richmond Hospital and within the community.

Q: Can I direct my gift to a specific area of the hospital?

You can direct your gift to a specific piece of equipment, a specific department, an ongoing campaign or our most urgent needs. Just let us know.
Read more about how you can Make an Impact today

Q: How can I receive up to date information about Richmond Hospital Foundation?

Follow us on Twitter, WeChat, Instagram or LinkedIn, “Like” us on Facebook, and check our website regularly to learn what is happening at Richmond Hospital Foundation. To join our email list, please click here.

Q: Can I hold an event to raise funds for Richmond Hospital?

Yes! Fundraising for Richmond Hospital Foundation should be easy and fun. From birthdays and baby showers to large-scale fundraising events, we appreciate the leadership of every community member that holds an event for us. Click here to learn more about hosting a Community Fundraising Event for Richmond Hospital Foundation.

Q: I’d like to volunteer, how can I help?

We always need volunteers to help in our office, at events and on special projects. Click here to learn more.

Q: Where is the Foundation office located?
Richmond Hospital Foundation is located within Richmond Hospital at 7000 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC. We are in the Milan Ilich Pavilion across from the Starbucks near the entrance.
Q: How can I get my name taken off the Foundation’s mailing list?

Call us at 604 244 5252 or email and we will remove your name from our mailing list.

Q: What is Richmond Hospital Foundation’s charitable registration number?
Our Registered Charity number is 11911 8883 RR0001

Explore all the Ways to Give

Joyful Giving. Joyful Living.

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