Inspired Donors

At Richmond Hospital Foundation, joy is at the very heart of the work we do. Our donors are inspired to joyfully give, because they want to be part of the solution to help drive innovation and be part of transformation. Our donors are motivated to build a better and healthier future for Richmond. Joyful giving means joyful living.

The donors featured here are helping to transform the delivery of health care here in Richmond and enable the changes we all want to see. We are honoured to celebrate donors in our community who have given joyfully to inspire others. We invite you to share in their stories.

Gulshan & Pyarali G. Nanji Family Foundation

Gulshan & Pyarali Nanji and their four children found refuge in Canada in 1972 after being exiled from Uganda. The family has always been grateful to our country for welcoming them and giving them the chance to build a new life. The family made a commitment that once they were able to, they would show their gratitude by giving back.

Canada’s health care system has a special place in their hearts. It is a system that delivers care where and when it’s needed regardless of age, race, religion or political beliefs – a rare and cherished value held by each and every one of us. The Nanji family came forward during the recent COVID-19 crisis, knowing that they could inspire the goodness in everyone’s spirit.

The Gulshan & Pyarali G. Nanji Family Foundation has positively impacted the Richmond Hospital front line heath care staff by providing funds and inspiring others to give to enable the purchase of equipment and tools needed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Nanji Family has responded during this challenging time by donating and inspiring others to give, revealing the goodness and kindness that is in us all.

Greczmiel Family

Giving back to the community is second-nature to the Greczmiel family. They acknowledge that Richmond Hospital is an important pillar of the community. Lisa Greczmiel and her sister, Michele Cupit acknowledge that Richmond Hospital has always been there for their entire family whenever they needed its services, providing exceptional care at every moment. The Greczmiel’s are happy to support the hospital in return. They hope their giving, which provides them with a joyful fulfilment, inspires others to consider their own commitment to Richmond Hospital Foundation.

Find out about the Greczmiel family history and learn about their philanthropic inspiration by watching this video.

City Wear Optical

May Ho is the owner of City Wear Optical in Richmond. She and her family are passionate about access to great health care. May has shared that no matter who you are, what age or background, you will need health care services at some point in your life. She simply states what we all feel “without your health you have nothing”.

May Ho and City Wear Optical choose to show their appreciation for our excellent health care system by giving back within their own community to Richmond Hospital Foundation. The impact May Ho and her family have on Richmond Hospital is significant but just as importantly, they inspire others to consider their own philanthropy. The staff at City Wear Optical share May Ho’s values and realize the impact they can make by contributing their own personal donations to Richmond Hospital Foundation.

May Ho and City Wear Optical want to lead by example and inspire others to be passionate about getting involved and giving back to the community because they believe giving back brings a sense of joy. It’s not about how much you give, it’s knowing every dollar counts and is making a difference.

Left to right: Steven Shi (Licensed optician), May Ho (Owner of City Wear Optical), Perkin Yeung (Licensed optician and contact lens fitter)
Left to right: Patsy and Hilary Hui and their two children.

Patsy Hui

Patsy Hui was inspired by her parents who always impressed upon her the importance of giving and sharing with others. Patsy’s mother imparted some wisdom about why it was so vital to give back. In Patsy’s words “She told me that when you give, you should not expect anything in return, because the true reward comes with the great feeling you get when you do the giving.”

This notion of joyful giving stayed with Patsy. She and her husband, Richmond family physician Dr. Hilary Hui, have lived in this community for more than 40 years. They have chosen to support a variety of projects at Richmond Hospital, to benefit the healthcare needs of their family, their neighbours, and their community.

Patsy and Hilary are often among the first to step forward demonstrating true philanthropic leadership for this community. For Patsy, the wisdom her mother shared with her when she was a young girl rings true now, more than ever. “It just feels so great to say yes, I want to give back, and more people should experience this feeling!” says Patsy. Joyful giving means joyful living.

Carlota Lee

Carlota describes herself as a grateful patient. Not a resident of Richmond, she found herself as an unexpected patient at Richmond Hospital. While traveling back from a family vacation she suffered a medical emergency mid-air. She was brought to Richmond Hospital for assessment where she received emergency surgery to remove a ruptured appendix.

Incredibly impressed by the life-saving surgery and inspired by the remarkable level of care provided by all the staff who assisted her during her personal crisis, Carlota wanted to show her appreciation by joyfully giving back. Carlotta celebrated the unexpected and life-changing circumstances she discovered at Richmond Hospital and made a joyful contribution to express her thanks.

Carlota Lee
Left to right: Sandy So, Ron Benoit.

Sandy So

Sandy So, a community champion, has joyfully contributed throughout the years to Richmond Hospital Foundation. She is motivated to give back to the community where she lives by using her many strengths to help where she can.

Sandy has been a member of the Richmond Hospital Board of Directors since 2015, sharing her business acumen and her knowledge of the charitable sector acquired through many years of involvement in philanthropy.

Not only has Sandy shared financial gifts, she has committed her invaluable time and expertise to help others. For the past three years, Sandy has also served as a member of the Richmond Hospital Foundation ACT NOW Campaign introducing many in the community to the importance of and need for a new Acute Care Tower for Richmond Hospital.

Carman Teed

When preparing his will, Carman’s wishes were clear, he wanted to joyfully remember Richmond Hospital with a legacy gift. Richmond was a place he and his family loved and called home. Life here had given him, his wife, Marjorie, and their daughter, Cathy, many opportunities.

Carman’s gift was given from the heart to inspire and to help build a healthier future for all residents of Richmond. His family had each used the services of the hospital and appreciated the high quality of care they had received. Carman knew a legacy gift for the hospital would benefit the wider community that his family had so appreciated and enjoyed.

Left to right: Marjorie, Cathy and Carman Teed.

Explore all the Ways to Give

Joyful Giving. Joyful Living.

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